Although I saw this picture and laughed for a week.
There are a few people in the floor lounge watching the post-election coverage intently, biting their nails each time a state gets called after about 100 votes have come in. I don't know when CNN will learn about this. Anyone remember "Dewey Defeats Truman"?
Regrettably, I am forced to watch at least a major chunk of the coverage because of my election class, because I'm taking a quiz tomorrow in which I have to remember each of the 50 states and how they voted in this election. I think it's for extra credit, but still. It's college, I could use it.
Being 17, there were a handful of things I could do to help influence the election without voting. We had to support a candidate for our election class, and I supported McCain (devil's advocate, ya know?). I also encouraged my girlfriend to vote when she didn't feel like it, and I got a free McCain-Palin shirt. I also tried to get real informed and attended Joe Biden's speech at USF.
I pretty much did everything I could to be informed, involved, and in touch. And boy howdy, am I glad it will be over.
The election class has been interesting and a real eye-opener, but what I really hate about politics is how everyone thinks they're just so freakin' smart. I don't know how much more I can elaborate on that, but I've seen so many know-it-alls who really want everyone to know how much they know about politics. Oof. Basically, it's good to be involved, but don't be closed-minded and aggressive about it. I look forward to the days when the plaza in front of Cooper Hall stops being a loud, obnoxious political thinktank and returns to just quietly smelling like Subway.
And to think, once I considered being a poli-sci major.
Well, enough political garbage. Y'all've heard enough of it. Bet Y'all'ven't been hit with double or even TRIPLE contractions though. More some other day.
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