Here are just a few I encountered, vaguely categorized.
Concerning Pokemon and the phenomenon of PPPDecember

- Any time a fad gets too popular on Facebook, I see it as my opportunity, nay my DUTY to be a smartass about it (I get it from my parents, I think). However, I'm not that opposed to Pokemon Profile Pic December, as I have fond memories of Pokemon just like everyone else. Even so, I couldn't just join in. Therefore, my roommate and I agreed to start with "Obscure and Worthless Pokemon Trainer Card December" and work our way toward a pretty amusing coordinated profile picture war later this month. Way to go me for way over-analyzing facebook fads.
- I enjoy the amateur psychoanalysis based on what pokemon one selects as their profile picture. Don't pretend it doesn't happen.
- Perhaps it's due to my upbringing as a conservative Lutheran, but I refuse to warm up the idea of any pokemon beyond #151. Even Mew is kind of a stretch... I stopped paying attention to the series well before they released the, like, 500 more pokemon or whatever that there are today. I never saw what was wrong with the 150 we had.
- If you don't pick Squirtle out of the 3 choices at Professor Oak's laboratory, you are probably a terrorist.
- If I were to play by the rules and pick a pokemon profile picture, I would probably go with Tangela. A bundle of vines with huge eyes in tennis shoes? How did Pikachu get to be face of the series over you?!
Concerning Pandora
- Pandora is something I held off using for quite a while, but I have definitely started to see the benefits the more I use it.
- What if there was a Pandora for dating? You just enter in a person that you like a lot of the qualities of, and it shows you several similar options based on your preferences. I'll bet someone has made a youtube video about this or something.
- I make a lot of jokes about liking pop music, but I like it way too much for my own good. The 3 stations I rotated between tonight are probably pretty embarrassing.

- One of them was "Live your Life" by T.I. featuring Rihanna. I won't say the other two, but I'm willing to put myself out there over that song. I don't care, I really like it, you guys. It's one of about 3 rap songs I will defend my like of to the grave. The other two have already gotten mentions in blogs this year.
- The more normal Lady Gaga's music and image gets, the more I like it. Which of course means that there is an awful lot of Lady Gaga that I hate.
- At least I still listen to old Relient K?
Concerning Snow, Career Opportunities, Friendliness, and the use of the term "Sweetheart"
- I'm actually pretty sure I want to move back to Tampa after I graduate from UW-Madison. There are a lot of things about the city that I am in love with, and I just thrive a bit more in the friendly, laid-back atmosphere of the south.
- But we'll see. I've been pretty sure about a lot of things.

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