I guess intramurals are taken fairly seriously here, which is good, because I really want to be competitive with soccer again. And, of course, it should help me achieve my new year's resolution to play soccer at least twice a month. It's really giving me something to look forward to.
Another thing I've thought seriously about doing in my time down here is reviving Attack Boat. I don't have a guitar though, nor do I have a piano, guitar pro, or anything else I could compose music with. However, it seems like I have enough ideas in my mind to write songs about...it's just a matter of putting it all together.
I actually did finish probably 90% of a song called "Clearwater Bleach" but I'm not very happy with it so I don't know if I'll ever finish that last 10%. I've also been working on potential covers just because I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much of anything down here, so it might be fun to revisit music. I also like Attack Boat's new picture. It's probably the least unflattering I've ever seen of myself.
And WOW. Olde English is a really funny online comedy troupe that made one of my favorite videos ever (the one about scrabble...because I find a lot of humor in tangibly awkward situations), and I found one of their sketches that...shows that they have general distaste for my blog?

Ouch. Not sure what I did to piss those guys off. Actually if you'll watch the whole sketch here
you'll find that it's merely a coincidence, and that apparently flight 109 goes to Italy?
Of course, if you watch the video, the title makes more sense. Not that I don't at least like juice, but I don't know if I'd go as far as to say that I love it.
So, what else has been interesting since I got back to Tampa? Well...I'm taking this class on Middle Eastern culture, and for the class we had to go to both a Middle Eastern restaurant and a mosque. Fortunately, two of my roommates are also in the class, so we were able to do these things in a group. It was really interesting, but I have to write a paper on it, so I probably won't describe it until I'm done with the paper. Which I guess I'll post on here after I hand it in. So there's something to look forward to, if you look forward to posts.
I finished my UW application a little while ago, and it's like high school again...I check online to see if they got everything and if they accept or not. Realistically, I should get in, because my GPA is slightly better in college than it was in high school and Wisconsin is easier on transfer admissions anyway...but I don't want to get too confident. Sometimes I think about what would happen if I didn't get in. Well, it would just mean that I'd have to stay at USF at least a semester longer.
There are often times in which I don't think that would be so bad. This is more likely to happen in the daytime, when the sun is shining and I can wear shorts in December. As I walk to class basking in the (literal) warm glow of the Florida winter, I think of how much of a blessing it is for me to be going to college and turning a profit. I think of how much fun I had at Bulls football and soccer games and how, by transferring, I'm basically giving up the responsibility-free attitude I could have had for another 3 years.
But I know I want to be back. The nights are a different story and they are often spent lonely. I have a very good group of friends, but I have to swallow my pride and admit that, as much as I'd like to grow up and be mature, I wasn't ready at age 17 to just leave everything and everyone I loved behind while I went off and made a new life on the bay.
I've certainly addressed this numerous times in this blog alone, but that's because it's a major point of struggle. I just hope I won't ultimately regret coming back.
You know that new year's resolution last year about being happy with all my resolutions? I'm going to try to actually make good on that this year.
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