Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I got dreadlocks fallin' all over me

Well, here's the new year, so it seems fitting to make a new blog post. I think (I'm not sure about this) that this is the longest blog drought in the history of the ol' Flight 109 (all 3 years of it!). Basically, this site has been pretty worthless, because a lot has happened between July and now. Or has it?

So I'm not really going to try to catch up, but I think it's fair to try to cut my losses and push forward for this new year. Although, to keep a little connection to last year, I may as well conclude the last few New Years Resolutions of 07 and close with a few for next year. As I recall, here were the ones still hanging.

-Get a girlfriend: There's always next year!
-The soccer one: I didn't technically accomplish either goal, but I would hardly call it a failure. I wasn't captain, but that allowed me to have more fun and focus more on self-improvement. Also, I wasn't top 3 in goals, but I was 4th on the team in goals and I was in 3rd until the last game of the season. I also had the top scoring percentage for shots taken, so I was really happy with how the season went.
-Get a job: Not yet, but I do have a pending Walgreen's application, so we'll see what happens with that. I suppose I could live with that sort of job.
-Eat a full-size Mr. Goodbar: I put this one off for too long, and couldn't achieve it at the end of the year due to a full day of travel. How unfortunate, I'll bet it would have tasted really good.

And speaking of this full day of travel on New Years Eve, an explanation of my current surroundings would probably be in order. The family flew to Florida yesterday so I am blogging from Evan's laptop in a Tampa hotel room.

We decided to go to Tampa on vacation for a couple of reasons. For one, the Badgers just had their bowl game at the wonderful Raymond James stadium. Unfortunately, they lost, but it was still a cool experience, just to go to an NFL stadium and see a bowl game.

Ultimately, though, the real driving force of the trip was the fact that I am considering the University of South Florida, which is in Tampa, as a legitimate option. We will be touring the campus tomorrow, and maybe I'll post later with thoughts on that.

It's interesting (to me, at least) that I would be considering South Florida so late in the college decision process. It seems like a pretty crazy, out there college choice, but it has held up this long as a realistic possibility. There's something to be said for staying around and going to Madison, but maybe I would enjoy a drastic change. If not, there's always such a thing as transferring. Who knows, right now it's at about 50/50.

What experiences do I have to gain from going?
What relationships do I get to keep by staying?

It's a lot to think about.

How about some new resolutions then...
1. Girlfriend? If I go to USF, that might be the least of my relationship worries. So I will attempt to make and keep friends in all facets, and if a girlfriend happens, sweet.

2. Be happy with all my decisions. I've got a lot of them to make (not just college), and there is a certain amount of worry that comes with each one that I will make the wrong one. I should know by now that no matter how the decision seems to be going, it will work out for the good, so once I make up my mind, I will try to be satisfied with it.

3. Learn to appreciate mornings. I hate getting up early, or really getting up at any time before I would naturally wake up. To be more productive, it would probably help if I could, if not get up fairly early, be ready for the day when I do wake up.

4. Go to an MLS game. I've always sort of planned to go to a pro soccer game, but it never happened. In addition, I'd like to go see the US national team play again, but that would be pending on if they are playing nearby for any of their games.

5. Eat a full-size Mr. Goodbar. I've got another 366 days to net this one.

I suppose that will be all for now, I'm sure I'll have more goals for the year, but at least I've got something to start with. Here's to a great 2008.

1 comment:

becca said...

Your mornings resolution is a very good one. I was thinking about adding that to my list of over twenty resolutions, but then I woke up for school this morning, and I wasn't too thrilled about it.
I'll still consider it though.
And I am very happy that you wrote a new blog.
I hope you write more.