Monday, January 10, 2005

Odds and Ends, Chutes and Ladders, Cheese and Crackers, Good and Evil, Tuna and Poland(?)....

Crazy things be happening? you decide.

Jake and I have made further advancement on our country, and it's becoming pretty obvious that the mining of ellencakes is the figurative glue that holds our figurative nation together. Yup, nothing like a fresh batch of green striped ellencakes, right out of the ground.

Semester ends in two days, and it is very welcome in my opinion. A new beginning might be the spark plugs on the turkey(n, meaning "the shizz"). Different classes with different people, it's looking ok...although stevey D and I can't hang no more in choir, which is major rye pie(n, meaning "not the shizz"). Oh well, so be it, at least I'm still in Downey, because I think he's a major cool guy.

Other happenings are that there is gonna be a dance rather soon (like a freakin' month. Gah!) and it's a Sadie Hawkin's dance...for those of you who don't know what that means, hear this quote from Matthew Thiessen - "Sadie Hawkins dance ... Girls ask the guys ..." That extremely broken quote defines it, and that makes things a touch more interesting. Things await to be seen...

I will end with this decently funny (well almost a bit dark I spose) quote -

"I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this." -
Thomas J. Grasso, commenting on his last meal before his execution

Happy trails to you, until we meet again. - Roy Rogers

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