Saturday, March 25, 2006

Is her name really Ace? That is so cool!

I spent the better part of today with Becca and also Evan, at Becca's sister's basketball tournament at Lakeside. It was pretty neat, I enjoy hanging out with her of course, and it was really crazy to immerse myself with the culture of grade school basketball, something I was never really a part of.

But nothing hit me like one game we all watched. There were two seventh grade teams, Madison East and Mukwonago. East was a considerably better team, and they jumped out to a 20 point lead in the first half. But their coach was a complete jerk really. Here's what happened. with 18 minutes left in the game, they just started standing there. I guess there's no shot clock in grade school basketball, so they chose to stall. And the other team was so pissed that they even considered stalling like that, that they played a zone and let them. I was kind of getting angry, it was not a pretty sight. This pompous looking group of seventh grade girls were standing there holding on to the ball, watching the other team try to not let it get to them. It was so horrible. And the coach of Madison East wouldn't even let them play. He threatened to take them out if they did anything, tried to take a shot or something. So then the whole half went on like this. 18 minutes of this staredown. With seventh grade girls for crying out loud. Makes you wonder what's happening to society.

Well I said I'd blog about it, so I did. I guess I don't know what else to say. I had a good time. We'll have to plan another get-together...through myspace. Haha. I guess the most useless site on the internet served its purpose.

Oh yeah, and it's kind of a nifty way to get your band out there too. I'm really enjoying that part of it too, even if it has made me a shameless promoter of my work.

I guess that about wraps it up for this post. I was pretty distracted throughout the whole thing, so forgive me if it's a little (a lot) confusing. Okay. it's

1 comment:

Anna said...

I hate it when grade school coaches are jerks. That's one of the few things I remember about it. I especially hate it when they make the people on their team cry. Seventh grade girls cry enough as it is.