Monday, December 13, 2004

Happy today-is-just-like-every-other-day day!

Wow...what an incredible life I live. Not too much happens every day, at least nothing worth sending my Croatian friends, and it all seems pretty pointless. But hey, since this is my blog, I can ramble as much as I want, because no one will read it! Goodtimes!

Today A cool teacher of mine, Mr. Larson, announced that he would be leaving my school after this year. This of course was a major bummer, seeing that band will probably suck next least I won't be the freshman!

The rest of the day brought just the endless routine and empty pleasure of going home after school. I got to talk to some people online to remind me that it's so much better to talk to people in real life. Today is also one of those days where I've got a bunch of things I need to do, but I'm barely motivated enough to keep myself from collapsing to the carpet in a heap. Maybe tomorrow something cool will happen that I can tell my currently non-existent blog friends.

War and Peace out -

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